Their daughter and Claire soon became fast friends.

Cute, cute, C-U-T-E!!

First animal sightings (and there would be many more). And for those of you who are oh-so-tempted to make joke about the "animals" IN the picture, I was referring to the animals that are just off-screen...promise.

At the petting zoo, Claire made a beeline for the adorable fawn in the corner. How often do you get to come so close to this beautiful animal?

And here's the mama. I swear we didn't dislocate her head - she's just really flexible...

More animals

Posing with a llama

No, Claire - you're supposed to kiss a FROG, not a pig!

They had this really cute kids area where there were tons of hands-on activities, like roping a steer...

...and milking a "cow."

On our way to the next section, we saw a tap dance/clogging team performing. The lead performer (here in the picture) looked JUST like a guy that I had traveled with on a Disney tour 16 years ago...and it WAS! We talked a little afterward and he actually teaches clogging just a few minutes from our house. I hate to say it (you know, the Disney connection and all), but what a SMALL WORLD!

The highlight of the day was riding the carousel. While we were in line, Claire saw that there was a kitty-cat and she was SO happy to be able to ride it.

Here's a view from the front. Kind of a creepy cat, if you ask me, but Claire loved it.

Their precious daughter shares my first name, so we always try to take a picture together whenever we visit. This one turned out pretty cute!

Great trip, GREAT friends...can't wait to do it again!